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« Steamboat Rock State Park | Main | Beltane Video Works Now!!! »

May 08, 2009



Boys, you've set the video to private. that's just teasing!!! ;)
Garet, Happy birthday, i hope it was a great trip for you. Looks like it was full of laughs and good friends!
big hugs from down under


Happy Birthday to you and Tonka! I'm off to Alaska myself, tomorrow, but tt won't be quite the Senic Boy's type adventure, though I hope the zipline excursion in Ketchican will be close.

Alison - Australia

Happy birthday and i'm glad you had a good time...but *whispers* I can't watch the video! Say's that it's a private video...


happy birthday


Je vous découvre ce samedi à travers votre blog; je vous trouve amusant, touchant, beaux et bien dans votre peau;

Bonne continuation

denis BC


Somegreat shots from this trip..SB abd landscapes!
Happy Birthday mate!


Thanks so much for this and your whole blog. It's so loving, liberating, and inspiring. This post in particular speaks to me, as I'm finally coming out of a personal cave-like existence back into the beautiful light of LIVING.

Peace and all good to you.


Happy Birthday, Tonka and Garet! The video and pictures are wonderful, as always. It is such a joy to peek into your beautiful world! Thank you for sharing another sweet adventure.

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