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April 24, 2009


Alison - Australia

YAY! New post! And I only checked the site on an off chance that there might be something new, about to watch the video, but i bet it'll be good. And Happy Birthday Garet, hope Dusty spoils you rotten

Bart Feroe

Fantastic adventure, as always. LOVE the new "Opening Title" Scenic Boys logo with adventure scenes in the letters. Can't wait to see the next one. Thankl you for sharing. All the best, Bart


Wish I could have been there to see that astounding display of stars you describe. Sounds pretty magical. Have only just discovered your blog and have had great fun watching all your video reports from past adventures. Thanks for taking us along, am looking forward to more, more, more!


Wow, such an interesting landscape - desert, with sparse vegetaion then an enormous amount of water! To have been able to see those falls in all their glory would be a real treat! Vin

Michael Liang

Loved it. My first Scenic Boys video and photo shoot! Certainly not the last...

Garet sounded so sleepy at the end!


Sounds like a grate trip.
Happy Birthday Garet!


Happy B'day Garet......I'm sure Dusty has something special planned, maybe it can't be filmed (darn) but I'll bet it's special.

Yah, Michael is now one of the "nature" boys.......come on Micah don't be so shy.

The desert truly is an amazing place to hike in.


Sounds like you guys had a great time, Thanks for sharing! Warm Spring greetings from Canada!

Jo Kristian

Amazingly beautiful photos!

Michael, CANADA

Happy Birdthay Garet!!!!!

The geology of the areas you visit are so diverse. Trees, mountains, wide vistas etc. Just wonderfull to watch, as I live in southern Ontario, where it is sooooo flat.

Thanks again for the vids.

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