I came across an interesting article on CNN.com today. Titled: 'Communing Without Nature', it claimed outdoor recreation such as camping, fishing and per capita visits to parks are on the decline in the US.
On one hand this news excites me because hey, more adventures for us, right!? But on the other hand, I think waining collective interest in the outdoors means a growing number of people lack a positive connection with their environment, which may soon lead to (and as the article indicates) less interest in funding conservation efforts and sustaining biodiversity.
If you've been reading our blog over the past year, I sincerely hope you've felt the closeness we have for each other and (just as importantly) our relationship with Mother Nature and all her creatures. One of the reasons we created ScenicBoys.com was to show people - gay boys in particular - the hidden beauty and amazing adventures that await all of us in the Great Outdoors. Through photo, film, and word we've tried to recreate our experiences in hopes that you, our readers, will find interest in experiencing that connection for yourselves.
:) It also hasn't escaped my attention that as you sit here combing the Blogosphere, you're probably not gearing up near a trail head or dabbling you toes in a mountain stream. :) If its cold where you live (like it is up here in Seattle right now) we don't blame you for hibernating through the winter. But come early summer we hope you'll make every effort to get as far away from civilization as possible. Even if for just one weekend! Allow your natural surroundings to fill you with energy; revitalize your mind in ways you can't conceive in the concrete jungle.
Have you hugged a tree lately? They really love it when you pay attention to them! Tried skinny dipping in a lake, river or the ocean? It's refreshing AND exhilerating! Don't be afraid to Get Naked - just remember to bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Worried about getting caught? Check your State's laws before heading out. If nudity is illegal where you live - why DO we have such ridiculous laws??? - then come visit us here Washington; nudity is legal as long as nobody complains... and who's going to complain out in the middle of nowhere?!?! Maybe going au naturale just isn't your thing, and that's more than OK. Whatever your flavor, just get outside and have some fun, OK? :D