Whilst most of Seattle's Gay Boys were partying it up Downtown or on Capitol Hill for Pride this year, Dusty, Binky, Ethan and I packed up our gear and got the Hell out of Dodge.
Sunset, Friday June 22nd heading down to Mount St. Helens. Being one of the longest days of the year, we were hoping it would still be light by the time we got our camping spot. We hadn't anticipated so much traffic that weekend and alas had to search for and set up our camp in the dark.
The next morning we were up early, had some breakfast, and broke camp. Before making our way to the trail head, we wanted to stop off for a quick hike through the Ape Cave.
Here is a view of the mouth of the cave from inside. Would have made a great spot to take some ScenicBoy pictures, but there were way too many people around. :(
Our next stop was Middle Falls on the Lewis River.
A short hike from the falls was a trail that lead down to this cool little spot. Water was dripping from roots above me and streaming out of the rocks in a few places.
Binky decided to join in the fun. At this point I think Ethan was beginning to question why we were getting naked... haha.
We decided it was time to hit the trail and make our way the 4 miles back in to Quartz Creek Falls.
Just on the other side of the creek was our awesome camping spot - only problem was the creek was swollen with spring runoff (2 feet deep and 30 feet across) and we had no way across except to wade through it.
I went first and gave the others a hand. It would have REALLY sucked to fall in. It was SO DAMN COLD!!!
As soon as camp was setup, Binky and Ethan made some food and went fishing while Dusty and I snuck off for a photo shoot.
Then it was Dusty's turn...
A little later we got dressed and took off on another couple mile hike (thankfully without packs this time)
Some of the largest trees in this part of the forest are along this trail. We heard one creeking very loudly, as though it was going to snap and fall!
Ethan was finally convinced to get naked and play around on this log while I shot some pics of him.
We didn't stay up too late that night which is pretty unusual for us. We wanted to get another early start on Sunday so we could make it back to Seattle in time to hear our friend DJ Kyler spin at Pride.
One last group shot before heading home. Don't know why Ethan and Binky had such glum faces; probably because they we having so much fun and didn't want to leave. :)
We all had a blast on this trip. More and more of our friends seem interested in coming camping with us this Summer. We'll definitely be back to share the latest and greatest ScenicBoy adventures with you! Tomorrow we leave for San Francisco for the week. YAHOO!!! :)