This winter the ScenicBoys - along with friends Jon, Sean, Jordan and Erik - made it
up to Whistler, B.C. for Gay Ski Week. What
an Awesome Adventure! We got off work a
bit early Friday and planned to leave Seattle by
We finally rolled into Whistler around midnight. Our cabin wasn’t in the Village, but just down the road a few miles. Everyone settled into their rooms, freshened up, threw back a few cocktails and we were off to a house party. The details get a little sketchy for the rest of that night, but judging by how late everyone slept in the following morning, it was a woefully exciting event.
Dusty and I were up much earlier than the rest of the boys Saturday morning. We made breakfast but nobody seemed too interested in eating. Oh well. By mid-afternoon we piled in the cars and headed to the main Village. I was Blown Away! It’s SO Beautiful!! We got coffee, walked around for a while, and gawked at all the hot snowboarders. :) Then we rode a gondola up to the tubing hill. The boys all wanted to go sledding after that so we headed back to the cabin to change. I wasn’t really feeling like playing in the snow (the hot tub sounded so much better!) and Dusty didn’t have warm enough clothes to go sledding so he and I ended up staying behind. At least we got a good nap in before the evening’s debauchery.
A couple hours later we met up with the rest of our
group. I stopped in a liquor store and
was amazed to find a bottle of Absinthe! I’ve always wanted to try it, but knew you couldn’t get it in the
so of course I had to buy it. We had
dinner and drinks at the Longhorn and then headed back to the cabin so everyone
could change and get ready to Go Out.
Back at our cabin, I immediately cracked open the Absinthe and took a swig. FEWWWWW!!!!!! That shit’s STRONG! :) but oh-so-good…
It was still early so we had cocktails and played games to kill some time. I’d consumed about half the Absinthe by the time we were ready to hit the clubs. I wouldn’t say I was hallucinating but it was definitely a very different feeling than any other alcohol. We decided the main event going on that night – a $95 party called SnowBall – didn’t seem worth the cost. There aren’t any Gay clubs in the Village, but we were hoping the other bars would be over-run with so many Gays it wouldn’t matter. We were seriously wrong. The Savage Beagle (which we would later refer to at the Slutty Beagle) had terrible music and the weakest drinks. Even a double was dreadfully watered down. Nobody seemed to be enjoying themselves too much. Idea: Let’s go back to the cabin for and play games in our underwear instead! Now We’re Talkin… :)
Sunday morning Dusty and I were up before everyone again. It was snowing HUGE snowflakes! We had the place mostly picked up by the time the boys woke up. One last trip back to the Village to drop the keys off and grab some games for the car ride home.
The drive south was very beautiful, we didn’t get to see any
of it on the way up on account of how late it was. At last we made it to the border. We pull up and are waiting next in line. Erik asks what we have in the car. BIG MISTAKE! Sean says we still have the Absinthe, which was packed up in such a
hurry that nobody realized it was in the car. We pull ahead and the Border Guard immediately asks if we have any
alcohol in the car. Erik says there’s a
little bit left in the trunk. The Guard
asks to take a look. First thing he
pulls out is the Absinthe. SHIT! He comes back to the front of the car with
the bottle and says, “Did you know Absinthe is illegal in the United States?” I thought we were going to be arrested! He tells us we have to go to the customs office. While at first I was quite worried, I quickly
surmised how ridiculous the whole situation was. Ultimately they gave us a stern warning about
the negative health effects of wormwood, reiterated it was illegal to transport
it into the
And so, border calamity behind us, we headed home – sans
yummy Absinthe. Seattle was a welcome sight for weary traveler’s eyes by the time we finally made it
home. All-and-all a Fantastic trip
though. We’ll definitely be going back
to Whistler the next chance we get. Till
then, I can’t wait for the weather to warm up, camping season to be underway,
and another summer full of Adventures to begin. Check Back With Us Soon!!!